While reading this book I got super aware of my own whiteness and how others can have different feelings for that. My own (white) opinion is just a small opinion like everybody else...
I never finished this book because it was so difficult to read.. Although I got some very interesting pieces out of it regarding to my own whiteness.
This book changed my perspective on feminism. While reading this I figured that I don't change when I take on the term 'feminism', that all those years I believed that feminist were weirdos and attention seekers.. this is not true.
Because of this book I found out that I'm super interested in different perspectives. This photography book is about a whole Islands perspective on the world being colorblind.
Docu about how 'normal' the Japanese culture is. Very interesting since I've been raised with a hint of the Japanese culture. Not always as good as it was sold.
Small introduction to the minor watching this movie. Crazy shock about how ignorant people can be (white)
Netflix series about looking at different cultures that you normally don't talk about or see. Very interesting but also really confronting sometimes.
Rachel Brathen is kind of a life coach to me since a few years. She opened me to look at different perspectives like they're my own to understand others. Also it helped me keeping peace with my own being.
Podcast about slutshaming and female sexuality. Very funny but also opened me to the topic of slutshaming and that I don't have to be ashamed of my bedpartners.
Very heavy program about sexual abuse. Opened my eyes about how much it can happen.
Netflix show about different topics like sexbots. Very interesting. Want to go further in to this!
Inspiration graduation